It is very interesting to observe how artistic and social movements are prolonged in time and engender new ones nourishing them of their principles. Although I do not believe that what is happening today is a continuation, I agree with the author that there are still artists who, in isolation, produce works that echo the main guidelines of Arts and Crafts (especially those who inscribe their work in the search of a revaluation of the autochthonous as a form of identity).
This movement had a great expansion since it manifested in different forms in distant cities of the world and also counted on a strong political transformation associated mainly with the inclinations of William Morris.
Taking into account that today the situation is different there is however something that is repeated at the beginning of this century and is the need to return to the manual, away from the machine, but no longer as a reaction to industrialization but to the advance of technology and I think, ironically, to the comfort that has grown in recent years to levels never known before.